
From: Farooqui, Zuber (ZFarooqui AT envkn00.tamuk.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 05 2005 - 11:33:15 MST

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have another problem with ymake. While installing form the source
file, when I type ./configure -v and overwrite it it gives the
following error msg:
[mm5user@medusa ncarg-4.4.0]$ ./Configure -v
        *** WARNING:There is a previous configuration saved.
Overwrite existing configuration? (n)
Enter Return(default), y(yes), n(no), or q(quit) > y
Building top-level Makefile to determine System defaults
ymake: Command not found.
Unable to build Makefile - fix above errors and re-run.
Terminating configuration procedure

So, please help me out in this.

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