Re: file i/o support

From: Mary Haley (haley AT
Date: Wed Sep 22 2004 - 08:57:56 MDT

  • Next message: "setenv problem"

    > Dear All,
    > I`m a newbies in NCARG. For my work usually I have to plot
    > data with any kind of plotting tool. My question is, does
    > NCARG support file i/o like NCL support some file format
    > (e.g nc, hdf, ascii)?.What file i/o that is supported by
    > NCARG ?.If NCARG support any of file i/o,How is the
    > command to open the file in NCARG (like in NCL such as
    > asciiread and addfiles)?. Please give me an exact and
    > simplest example.
    > Thank`s before


    NCAR Graphics is strictly a graphics package, with a supplemental math
    library for various interpolations. It does not do any file I/O like
    NCL does.

    If you are interested in reading in a netCDF or HDF file, you will
    first need to download the appropriate package, install it, and then
    add netCDF or HDF calls in your program to read in your file. You can
    get more information on netCDF and HDF from:


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