Error fetching CGM element

From: Mahally Kudsy (m_kudsy AT
Date: Wed Sep 01 2004 - 21:39:22 MDT

  • Next message: Kevin Hodges: "(no subject)"

    I compiled NCAR graphics v4.3.1 on Suse 9 using ifort and
    icc by following suggestion by Don Morton. Binaries
    including demo look fine, but giving unreadable meta file.
    idt complains "Error fetching CGM element"
    ictrans give "Error at End of metafile"
    Would anyone tell me the solution?

    Mahally Kudsy
    Netkuis Instan untuk wilayah Bandung (kode area 022) - SD,SMP,SMA
    Berhadiah total puluhan juta rupiah... periode I dimulai 1 April 2004
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