Re: Compiling NCARG with GNU fortran 95, or g95

From: Mary Haley (haley AT XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 08:24:35 MDT

  • Next message: Manoj Warrier: "Re: Compiling NCARG with GNU fortran 95, or g95 (fwd)"

    > Hello.
    > Has anybody any advice on compiling NCARG using GNU Fortran 95
    > or g95 ?
    > I tried compiling it using g95 on a linux i686 PC, but the problem
    > was with the ASSIGN statement which is present in many parts of
    > the NCARG source code. ASSIGN is not supported since it is a FORTRAN 77
    > extension and these compilers stick rigidly to the FORTRAN standard.
    > Any advice is welcome.
    > Manoj

    Manoj and others,

    We are currently revisiting some of our older Fortran code and trying
    to remove the obsolescent ASSIGN statements.

    We have found that some commercial Fortran 90 compilers will accept
    some of these obsolescent features, but as you saw, GNU Fortran 95
    doesn't. I'm not sure if they plan to or not, but to be safe, we'll
    continue to remove as many obsolescent features that we can.



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