color indices

From: Craig Tremback (tremback AT XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jun 23 2004 - 13:25:35 MDT

  • Next message: Manoj Warrier: "Compiling NCARG with GNU fortran 95, or g95"

    I am running into the issue of inconsistent behavior of the metacode
    translators when I make plots where a color index is reused and assigned
    to be different colors. ctrans with the "X11" device works fine but the
    "sun" device generates all lines with the same color.

    Yeah, yeah, I know the documentation says to expect unexpected behavior!

    I was just wondering if anyone knew if there was some image device that
    did work in this manner, or some other "unofficial" trick (extra
    sflush's, chanting, sacrificing insects, etc.) that would allow this to
    work consistently.


    - Craig

    Craig J. Tremback - mailto:tremback AT unknown
                          phone: 303-530-5200 x205 fax: 303-530-5201
    P.O. Box 19195, Boulder, Colorado 80308-2195
    ncarg-talk mailing list
    ncarg-talk AT unknown

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