Bug in Installation script for NCARG on LINUX PC

From: jennifer haase (jhaase AT XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 09:21:56 MDT

  • Next message: Flanigan, Robert (Civ, ARL/CISD): "./Configure -v ERROR with Fedora 1 ?"

    When following the instructions on :

    I did the following:
      From here, do the following (pasted from website instructions):

        1. Answer the first question about whether you are installing the
    software remotely.
        2. Select option "2" to install the software.
        3. If you have an NCAR Graphics order number, enter it for the next
    question, otherwise enter whatever you like.
        4. Change the distribution medium (option #1) to indicate you want to
    install from a tar file.
        5. Select the installation type (option #3) and answer all the
    questions about where you want to install the libraries, executables,
    include files, and man pages.

    When I chose option #3 it went back and asked me the question about the
    distribution medium
    I chose option #1, it asked me the installation type
    I chose option 3 it asked me about the distribution medium
    I chose option #1, it asked me the installation type
    I chose option 3 it asked me about the distribution medium

    etc, etc

    I think there is a bug. Can anyone help me? Am I using the current version?
    I downloaded file:

    Thanks very much.

    Dr. Jennifer S. Haase
    Research Scientist
    Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
    Purdue University
    550 Stadium Mall Drive
    West Lafayette IN 47907-2051, USA
    Phone number: 1-765-494-1643
    Department secretary phone number: 1-765-494-3258
    Department Fax: 1-765-496-1210
    email: jhaase AT unknown

    "Nature bats last"

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